When used properly, it is a great tool to aid teams in building their robot.
However, CAD is not the magic genie that will guarantee you success in FTC.
If you desire to create 3D-printed or machined parts, CAD will be necessary to do so. Having CAD knowledge and skills will be beneficial in your future career, should you study and work in those fields. Thus, it will save time when you discover problems in CAD that you can remediate before you build your robot.ĬAD is a professional tool that is used in many STEM fields. CAD is beneficial for multiple reasons.ĬAD solves a lot of preventable headaches, such as spacing issues. So, what’s the point of CAD, then? It is encouraged that new teams try their hand at CAD, especially if you have a mentor or parent who is experienced in such an area.
Still other teams fully designed their robot in CAD. Other successful teams only made parts of their robot in CAD. Many successful teams didn’t CAD their robot at all. Programming Tutorial - Mecanum DrivetrainĬAD is not necessary in FTC to build a successful robot.